Friday, November 23, 2007

Arabian Gulf Exploration


Emily Bice, Wallington said...

WOW! That looks so cool! I wish I could swim there, too. Also, how salty is the saltwater? Also, is it really hot? Or just mild?

Rick J said...

It was 88 degrees and sunny on Friday. The water was salty enough so you sure can't drink it. It was interesting to notice how you're slightly more buoyant when you float on your back in salt water than fresh water.

Cameron Fox said...

What's the climete like?

Cameron Fox

Michael Kemper, Wallington said...

I saw your video i thought that was vary funny. Also i thought when you tried the salt water i really didn't think you would actualy put the water in your mouth! When you got to S.A how big of a temperature change was it? Also have you had to talk in a differint languege yet? Hope the trip is fun so far!:)


Rick J said...

The climate here is just like Cancun, Mexico, if any of you have been there. It's about 88 degrees, and slightly humid since we're near the Arabian (Persian) Gulf.

It's about 50 degrees warmer than Detroit right now.

Ben B. said...

Are you going to go snorkling in Saudi Arabia?
p.s. The water is bluer in Aruba!

Ben bejune

jack williams, wallington said...

Did you have a lot of fun at the beach? Who was there with you? Were there any other tourists or people visiting the beach swimming with you?

Rick J said...

Hopefully I'll go scuba diving in the Red Sea in a few days, I'll let you guys know.

I was at the beach with the other 24 teachers in my group. There were also families and other kids there, too.