Friday, November 23, 2007

Ras Tanura Resort

Check out the video below (sorry it's out of order.)
I had a great time playing soccer with some kids and hanging out at the beach on the Arabian (Persian) Gulf. We spent the entire day swimming, playing volleyball and soccer, eating and talking. They even had a bowling alley, although we just watched.
It was a great way to spend my first day in the KSA!


Conor Haenni, Wallington said...

I think it is cool that you played soccer with the local kids.

Ben B. said...

Mr. Joe,

Are the kids in Saudi Arabia good at soccer? Could I beat them one on one?

Rick J said...

The kids in the KSA totally ROCK at soccer. I was getting smoked by a kid who was probably 10. Since we were at the beach, I was playing barefoot. At one point, I went to kick the ball and didn't realize I was on the edge of the sidewalk. After I kicked the ball, I realized I had sliced the bottom of my big toe open. Fortunately it was a minor cut, even though it bled a lot. The kids didn't speak English, but I heard one of them say "kleenex" with an Arabic accent (some words don't translate.) He went and got me a kleenex and I took care of held it on my toe. Later I got it washed off and bandaged.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Joe!
I was just wondering what the two boys are holding in the (I think) second to last picture. Is is a fish of some sort? Soccer sounds really fun. Was the water nice enough to go swimming? You must be having so much fun in Saudi Arabia!!

Kenzie said...

Mr. Joe,

What was the thing that boys were holding. Is it a baby shark?


Alexa S. said...

Mr. Joseph,
What's the beach like? Does it compare to Florida or Mexico? Is it hot there?
alexa sierpien
wallingtons class

Rick Seefelt said...

A bloody toe!! Yuchhh! But, the kids will certainly remember you and your attention to them. A day at the beach!! we've got snow here in Michigan with a total of a couple of inches coming over night.

Your boys and spouse continue to be a delight. I drove Nick, Zach, and two friends to school today. The roads were snowy and a bit slippery, but we made it very well.

Mary Beth's 27 pound turkey fed us on Thanksgiving, Friday and Sunday.

It was wonderful to SKYPE last night. Your facial hair certainly gi9ves you and Arabic and Christlike look.

Enjoy, respect, learn and pay much attention to the kids!!

You're doing us proud, and we're proud of you.



Meghan Flynn said...

Are you traveling with the group in the last picture on the beach? What a great way to start your trip swimming in the ocean. I was swimming in the ocean too during Thanksgiving break. The Atlantic Ocean is salty too.

Rick J said...

They told me the name of the fish in Arabic, but I don't remember the name.

It's about 85 degrees here, just like Mexico or anywhere in the Caribbean.

Kenzie said...

Dear mr.joe,
when are you going to come back from
sauida ariba and do you miss your family

- Mackenzie,Wallington