This is my wife Mary Beth, my sons Zachary (8) and Nicholas (5), and our dog, Buddy. The photo was taken in our living room on Saturday. I will miss my family dearly, and I look forward to bringing them with me on my next big trip!
Are you tired from your long flight?If it is 6:00 PM in Michigan what time is it where you are?Mackenzie Harris/Wallington
Dear Mr. Joeseph, your dog is sooooooo cute! I'd miss my family if I had to leave them. But good luck!Adios1!-Emily Bice
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Are you tired from your long flight?
If it is 6:00 PM in Michigan what time is it where you are?
Mackenzie Harris/Wallington
Dear Mr. Joeseph,
your dog is sooooooo cute! I'd miss my family if I had to leave them. But good luck!
-Emily Bice
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