Hi all! Rick Seefelt drove Bill Bowles and me to Metro Airport to begin our odyssey. Our flight left at 12:15pm. Bill is a media specialist (formerly known as "librarian") at Western International High School in Detroit. He has traveled extensively, and is a fascinating guy. You'll see him in these photos.
Our flight went very well. When we arrived in Houston, we found our shuttle bus and joined 10 other teachers for the ride to the Houston Intercontinental Hotel where we're staying. My roommate at the hotel is a high school teacher from New Jersey named Robert. When we get to Saudi Arabia we have our own room.
We had a great dinner and opening meeting last night, where all 25 teachers introduced themselves. We are an exciting group with many diverse interests.
This morning (Tuesday) we are going to the Saudi Aramco headquarters for an orientation on Saudi Arabia. Enjoy the photos!
Just testing this for the kids.
have a good time.
Mr. Wallington
Mr. Jospeh,
How long did it take to get to Housten?
Was the hotel nice?
How many stops do you have to make?
Was anybody suspicious?
Was Houston a good place?
I sure hpoe so!!
Mr. Joeseph,
I think that it would be so cool to go to Saudi Arabia, and to Houston. Did you see any armadillos on the road? Just kidding. How was your flight? Do you like Houston so far?
~Caity Dolan, Wallington
Where are you currently?
Did meet any more new people?
What is it like there?
Mr.Wallington & Mrs.wilkie say hi
Mr. Jospeh,
How is your trip going? Are You haveing fun?
Mr Wallington and Mrs.wilkie say hi!!!
how long was the flight to houston form start to finish.
joey labovitz,wallnigton
mr.joseph, what time did you go to bed? what did you do at the airport?
mr. jospeh,
I liked to look at the pichers.Do you like the food you ate. did you like the hotel.
Mr. Joseph,
I know you had to ride a plane to get there, how many did you have to ride?
Are you tired from your plane
Hi Mr.Joe.how's Saudi Arabia?
Where are the other teachers that you are with from, what states? Are you excited to go to Saudi Arabia? I heard that there are some good and also some bad things that go on in Saudi Arabi. Stay away from any bad events. Stay safe and have fun on your trip!
How is Houston? When is your flight to Saudia Arabia? What is the first thing you will do when you get there? Is the food you have tasted so far any different than the food here? What about the climate? I hope you have a good time!
do you like the food there?
Are the people nice?
Is the weather good?
how many plans did you ride?
How long was the plane ride to Housten?
How many stops did you have to make on the way?
Hello Mr. Joe
Do you think that saudi arabia will be fun?
have a good time, alex mazur
hows saudia arabia?
You said at dinner that you met all of the teachers you were going to work with.
Where is the strangest place that one of them lives?
Also do anyone of them live close to Michigan?
do anyone of them have a different accent?
Please take some time off to respond, thanks!
hi mr joe hows saudia arabia
It sounds so awesome! I hope you are having a lot of fun. What is the most interesting thing you have done yet? Have you been eating good food?
how are you doing?
what did you eat for dinner last night ?
How long did it take to get to texas? hope you have a safe and fun time.
Hi Mr. Joe
How different is the econmy there?
What airline did you take?
I think that it would be very cool to be there. I wish I was there.
bye wish you luck.
lewis parris,wallington
Hi, How long was the flight? Did you ever have to stop?
When do you leave for Saudia Araiba?
I hope you are having a great time!
Do you think you will like Houston or Saudi Arabia better?
Is your roommate excited to go? Have you seen anything interesting so for? Hopefully you have a good time!
Julia Gwizdz, Wallington
Have you heard from your kids or wife?
Which company are you traveling by?
How many palne rides did you take to get to Saudi Arabia?
Have you stayed in touch with your kids and wife latley?Is Houston nice?Is the land in Houston dry?Will you be there for a long time?Do you think you will like Saudi Arabia better than Houston?How many planes do you think you'll need to take? Enjoy your time there and have fun!!
Christina Dennis
how long did it take to get to the hotel from the air port?
what level is your room on?
how long did it take to get to Houston and did you a chance to get to see Houston?
How big is the hotel. Is the airport have any restaraunts like burger king, or does Huston have it's own special restaraunts?
hi mr.joe,
do you miss your class?
hows the trip so far?
have fun
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