The hand-held buzzer vibrated and blinked madly, seeming to proclaim, "Yes! Yes! Yes! Your table is finally ready. You can go grab a seat." At long last. Something must be special about a place that made us wait 30 minutes on a Tuesday night.
Our eclectic group of 15 teachers from around the country snaked carefully through the jam-packed, neo Tex-Mex diner to find our spot. I felt like I had slipped into an Ozzie-and-Harriet-meets-Speedy-Gonzales heaven as I glided onto my red vinyl seat with aluminum tubing and perched my elbows on the Formica table top with metal trim. This was a Texas experience. Our last hurrah before setting off the next day on a 21 hour odyssey to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
How authentic could this be, I wondered, my purist mexicano food instincts taking over. The menu offered an impressive array of enchiladas, burritos, and ensaladas, but no tortas. I decided to relax and just order what I could typically rely on: tacos. They were mediocre. The sliced skirt steak was tough and the tortillas flavorless. But, bueno, the company was excellent.
Mr. Jo-
I'm sorry your food was only OK, but when you get to Saudi Arabia, I'm sure that you will find a new food that you like. What is the difference between the time here and the time in Saudi Arabia? Also, what is the climate there? Everyone here says hello and have fun!
I think that is really cool that in Texas the food is very different and you waited 30 minutes. Was that a taco you were eating? Have a good flight.
Mr . Jo,
Sorry your food was not great, I hope Saudi Arabia has better food. I was wondering if Saudi Arabia had good land for farming?
I Hope you have a good Time!
Lily L.
P.S.- Did you see any horses in Texas?
I read that you food was only ok but when you spend more time in the area you will get use to the food. Also another question i have is what is the greting that people have sead to you? I hope the reast of your food is good and the reast of your tripr is good!
Michael Kemper
Dear Mr. Jo-
My family loves Mexican too. I love the tacos. You made me hungry. I can't wait until we get Mexican again. Have a great flight.
Is the food there like our food here? Hope you have a good flight.
Hi Mr. Joe,
I am sorry your last meal in the USA was so poor. I am wishing you a safe trip and better meals in Saudia Arabia.
Dear Mr. Joseph,
Sorry the food was not so good for you. I usually love Mexican food too. Is Mexican food in Texas much different? Can't wait to hear more about your trip.
Alexa Sierpien/wallington
Hey Rick-----Just finished catching up on your postings from earlier this week. Great stuff. It's Thanksgiving morning and our family has a lot to be thankful for. Have a terrific time and I look forward to more from the Kingdom.
Your bigger bro, John
McLean, VA
That is soooo cool mr. Joe. Actually my uncle lived there for 20 years. I think that he liked it alot.
I'm glad the service at the restorant was good but I wonder why they did not have any tortios? How long was the plane ride to Texas? See you back at school on December 1st.
Brooks Beattie, Wallington
mr. jo
I am sorry that you got bad food at Chuy's. I am just wondering was it better than the food you have here in Michigan or near the border of Mexico? I hope your 21 hour plane ride is better!!
Mr. Joseph,
You said they made you wait 30 minutes, did most people think it was worth the wait?
My other question is, out of the 15 people that night, who ordered the strangest meal?
What was that meal?
The weirdest food? It all looked pretty good to me. Nothing seemed too strange.
All of us there had fun chatting while we waited. It was definitely worth the wait.
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